Honor A Hero

Join us in saying "Thank You" to our Heroes who exemplify the true meaning of "Service above Self".



Honor a hero by sharing their story on a dedication card that will hang on a flag in the field.  We will have docent’s available at the field to help you locate the dedication card in the field of flags.

  • You may include the hero’s branch or department, when they served, rank, a photo and anything else you would like to mention.*
  • Please fill out a new form for each honoree.  There will be a link on the thank you page to “Honor another Hero”. 
  • While no donation is required have a hero dedication on a flag in the field, if you do choose to make a donation, 100% of the net proceeds will go to helping veterans and first responders in our community and other Rotary causes.
Join us on Friday, November 8th at 6PM-8PM for a SPECIAL PREVIEW. Experience the field on a tethered hot air balloon ride high above the flags.  This unique opportunity is provided by Uplifting Adventures, Cost $20 per person, weather permitting.

Dedication cards may be picked up at the field Sunday, November 17th between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Submit Your Story

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