Join us in saying "Thank You" to our Heroes who exemplify the true meaning of
"Service above Self".
Honor a hero by sharing their story on a dedication card that will hang on a flag in the field. We will have docent’s available at the field to help you locate the dedication card in the field of flags.
You may include the hero’s branch or department, when they served, rank, a photo and anything else you would like to mention.*
Please fill out a new form for each honoree. There will be a link on the thank you page to “Honor another Hero”.
While no donation is required have a hero dedication on a flag in the field, if you do choose to make a donation, 100% of the net proceeds will go to helping veterans and first responders in our community and other Rotary causes.
Join us on Friday, November 8th at 6PM-8PM for a SPECIAL PREVIEW. Experience the field on a tethered hot air balloon ride high above the flags. This unique opportunity is provided by Uplifting Adventures, Cost $20 per person, weather permitting.
Dedication cards may be picked up at the field Sunday, November 17th between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.